Youth Development Specialist Resume Guide

Youth development specialists work to promote positive growth and development in young people. They use a variety of methods, such as mentoring, counseling, education programs, and recreational activities to help youth reach their full potential. Through these efforts they strive to create an environment that encourages the physical, social-emotional and cognitive growth of children.

You have a deep understanding of youth and the issues they face today. You would be an asset to any organization focused on youth development, but employers won’t know that unless you write a resume that puts your best foot forward.

This guide will walk you through the entire process of creating a top-notch resume. We first show you a complete example and then break down what each resume section should look like.

Youth Development Specialist Resume

Table of Contents

The guide is divided into sections for your convenience. You can read it from beginning to end or use the table of contents below to jump to a specific part.

Youth Development Specialist Resume Sample

Guillermo Gusikowski
Youth Development Specialist

[email protected]


Detail-oriented youth development specialist with 8+ years of experience in creating and delivering programs for adolescents. At XYZ, facilitated the implementation of new initiatives that helped boost youth engagement by 35%. Experienced in managing educational workshops, developing behavior plans, and providing individual counseling to students from diverse backgrounds. Dedicated to helping young people reach their full potential through positive support and guidance.


Youth Development Specialist, Employer A
Amarillo, Jan 2018 – Present

  • Thoroughly analyzed and assessed youth development needs to create individualized plans for over 50 children, resulting in an increased average grade point by 0.5 within 1 year.
  • Collaborated with school administrators, teachers and parents to ensure that all aspects of the program were running efficiently and effectively; developed partnerships with local organizations to provide additional resources and support services as needed.
  • Encouraged positive behavior among participants through role modeling, praise & reward programs; mentored more than 20 students every week, leading them towards a healthier lifestyle choice in their formative years.
  • Participated in various outreach campaigns such as field trips and parent forums to increase public awareness about the importance of early education investments for future generations; successfully recruited 25+ volunteers from local communities within 6 months on this initiative alone.
  • Structured creative activities like music classes and art workshops according to age-appropriate levels while monitoring progress closely at all times; instructed weekly sessions involving 40+ children aged between 4-12 years old.

Youth Development Specialist, Employer B
Detroit, Mar 2012 – Dec 2017

  • Assessed the emotional, physical and psychological needs of over 100 youth in the program; developed individualized educational plans for each student to ensure their success.
  • Prepared weekly lesson plans centered around positive youth development principles which included activities such as field trips, mentoring sessions and team building exercises that promoted social skills among participants.
  • Formulated a budget plan that allocated $5,000 towards after-school programs and special events while reducing overall costs by 10%.
  • Reorganized existing program resources including personnel management schedules, administrative duties and group project planning systems; increased efficiency by 25%.
  • Proficiently managed all communications with students’ families regarding progress reports, upcoming events & school projects; maintained excellent relationships with parents throughout duration of the program.


  • Teamwork
  • Teaching
  • Youth Development
  • Time Management
  • Nonprofits
  • Program Development
  • Fundraising
  • Communication
  • Volunteer Management


Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services
Educational Institution XYZ
Nov 2011


Youth Development Professional Certification
National AfterSchool Association
May 2017

1. Summary / Objective

Your resume summary should be a brief yet powerful statement that outlines your qualifications and experience as a youth development specialist. Include details such as the number of years you have been working in this field, any special certifications or awards you have received, and how many young people you have helped to develop over the course of your career. You can also mention any innovative programs or initiatives you implemented during your time in this role.

Below are some resume summary examples:

Accomplished youth development specialist with 9+ years of experience providing guidance and support to disadvantaged youth. Proven track record of developing meaningful relationships, inspiring young people to take responsibility for their lives, and helping them make positive choices that can lead to success in school and the workplace. Looking to join ABC as a Youth Development Specialist where I can use my skillset to help at-risk teens reach their full potential.

Committed youth development specialist with 5+ years of experience providing guidance, support and education to children in underserved communities. Seeking to join ABC Nonprofit as a Youth Development Specialist and use my expertise in program management, training, community outreach and conflict resolution strategies to help kids reach their full potential. Successfully implemented curriculum that improved critical thinking skills by 15% among students ages 10-15.

Passionate youth development specialist with 5+ years of experience developing, coordinating and delivering community-based initiatives for at-risk youth. Proven track record of success in engaging young people and promoting positive behavior change while fostering a sense of belonging within communities. Seeking to join ABC as the next Youth Development Specialist to continue creating impactful programs that promote social inclusion and personal growth.

Professional youth development specialist with 8+ years of experience providing individual and group counseling to children and adolescents. Committed to promoting healthy decision-making, positive self-image, and social integration through creative activities in educational settings. At XYZ Institute, successfully addressed the needs of at-risk youth by creating an innovative program that increased student engagement by 42%.

Dependable and passionate youth development specialist with 5+ years of experience in developing and implementing programs to engage, motivate, and educate young people. Skilled at identifying the needs of each individual student while managing a safe learning environment. Proven track record of success in leading program initiatives that increase self-confidence and foster life skills for students from diverse backgrounds.

Reliable youth development specialist with 8+ years of experience leading youth programs and mentoring students. Experienced in developing effective strategies to promote positive behavior, emotional intelligence, self-esteem, and communication skills among young adults. Seeking to join ABC organization to leverage my extensive knowledge of adolescent development while providing a safe environment for high-risk youth.

Amicable youth development specialist with over 6 years of experience in providing support, guidance and resources to at-risk youth. Demonstrated ability to develop successful strategies for program implementation, curriculum design and community outreach initiatives. Highly organized individual who is energized by the challenge of working with a diverse population of young people from various backgrounds.

Energetic youth development specialist with 5+ years of experience in providing mentorship, guidance, and support to at-risk youth. Proven track record of helping troubled adolescents identify their strengths and develop the skills needed for success in life. Developed programs to help youth explore career options, build healthy relationships, and discover new interests through engaging activities.

2. Experience / Employment

For the experience section, you want to provide details on your employment history. This should be written in reverse chronological order, meaning the most recent role is listed first.

Stick to bullet points mainly when writing this section; doing so allows the reader to quickly digest what you have said. When talking about what you did and achieved, try to include quantifiable results or figures where possible.

For example, instead of saying, “Provided mentorship for young people,” you could say, “Mentored 15+ at-risk youths per week through one-on-one sessions and group activities that improved their self-esteem by 30%.”

To write effective bullet points, begin with a strong verb or adverb. Industry-specific verbs to use are:

  • Facilitated
  • Mentored
  • Coordinated
  • Monitored
  • Assessed
  • Developed
  • Implemented
  • Evaluated
  • Advocated
  • Supported
  • Collaborated
  • Counseled
  • Educated
  • Encouraged
  • Motivated

Other general verbs you can use are:

  • Achieved
  • Advised
  • Compiled
  • Demonstrated
  • Expedited
  • Formulated
  • Improved
  • Introduced
  • Optimized
  • Participated
  • Prepared
  • Presented
  • Reduced
  • Reorganized
  • Represented
  • Revised
  • Spearheaded
  • Streamlined
  • Structured
  • Utilized

Below are some example bullet points:

  • Successfully developed and facilitated over 20 youth development programs for up to 50 young people, increasing overall program participation by 40%.
  • Implemented a comprehensive system of goal setting and progress tracking that helped participants achieve their personal objectives within the allocated time-frame.
  • Achieved measurable outcomes in engagement levels, critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities and communication proficiency among all cohorts involved in the projects; reported positive feedback from 90% of stakeholders surveyed on completion.
  • Streamlined operations through efficient budgeting practices which resulted in savings of $10,000 annually while meeting quality standards expected by funders/sponsors/donors etc..
  • Advocated passionately for youth rights at local events & meetings with community leaders; successfully raised awareness about key issues facing disadvantaged youths resulting in increased support from authorities & educational institutions alike.
  • Presented comprehensive, age-appropriate life skills lessons to 70+ youth participants weekly, demonstrating the latest techniques in social and emotional development.
  • Mentored 30 at-risk youth over an 18-month period through individualized coaching sessions; successfully directed 80% of them toward college or vocational school pathways.
  • Monitored the progress of all program participants with regular assessments to ensure their academic goals were being met; improved grades by 15% on average for each participant under supervision within three months.
  • Confidently facilitated interactive and engaging group activities such as role playing games and creative problem solving exercises that encouraged active learning among students aged 5 -17 years old.
  • Educated parents about positive reinforcement strategies and provided resources on how best to support their children’s academic achievement; increased parental engagement rate from 40% to 60%.
  • Demonstrated leadership and problem-solving skills while working with a diverse group of 200+ youths between the ages of 8-18; decreased disciplinary incidents by 15%.
  • Introduced creative teaching methods to engage students in activities that promoted self-discovery, teamwork, communication and conflict resolution; successfully improved academic performance among 90% of participants.
  • Motivated youth to take initiative through positive reinforcement and constructive feedback; increased volunteerism within the community by 25%.
  • Accurately tracked individual student progress using program management software such as eTapestry & Salesforce; achieved 95% data accuracy rate for student records across all programs.
  • Supported 300+ at-risk youths annually with counseling services related to emotional health, life skills development, college preparation/career exploration strategies & substance abuse prevention techniques.
  • Revised youth development program to include additional activities and resources, successfully increasing the number of participants by 25% in a three-month period.
  • Expedited the growth of youth engagement initiatives by implementing innovative strategies; achieved an increase in average attendance numbers from 10 to 20+ per activity session over 12 months.
  • Reduced negative behaviors among participants by 40%, through consistent guidance, support, and positive reinforcement techniques tailored to individual needs.
  • Spearheaded multiple educational workshops focused on developing problem solving skills and fostering healthy lifestyles among children aged 8 – 18; saw significant reductions in disruptive behavior patterns within 3 weeks for 80% of attendees.
  • Reliably provided mentorship services for up to 25 youths each week; monitored progress closely and offered personalized tips & advice throughout duration of program sessions.
  • Actively developed and implemented 20+ innovative youth development programs, aimed at providing young people with access to recreational activities and resources to help them reach their full potential.
  • Improved educational outcomes for over 500 adolescents by creating an after-school STEM program that focused on teaching essential 21st century skills such as coding, robotics & 3D printing.
  • Developed a comprehensive curriculum targeting the physical, psychological and emotional needs of teenagers; reduced dropout rates from 25% to 6%.
  • Coordinated with local businesses in order to provide internships and volunteer opportunities for youths aged 16-25; facilitated career exploration workshops which resulted in 45 successful job placements each year.
  • Compiled data from surveys conducted among participants of youth development initiatives; identified areas needing improvement based on feedback received, leading to a 30% increase in participant satisfaction ratings overall.
  • Counseled over 80 at-risk youth in weekly one-on-one and group sessions, focusing on problem solving, decision making skills and fostering healthy relationships.
  • Facilitated interactive workshops for up to 30 participants each week that addressed topics such as communication strategies and anger management; increased workshop attendance by 20% within two months.
  • Evaluated program effectiveness via post surveys with a response rate of 95%; implemented changes based on feedback from the survey results which resulted in an improvement of overall satisfaction levels by 40%.
  • Represented organization at community events such as school assemblies, health fairs & job recruitment drives; successfully recruited 25 new volunteers over 6 months period through public speaking engagements alone.
  • Meticulously tracked client progress throughout their journey using outcomes tracking software to identify areas where additional support was needed; reduced probation violations amongst clients by 10%.
  • Utilized a variety of hands-on activities, workshops and mentoring programs to support positive youth development for over 75 adolescents in the local community.
  • Substantially increased high school graduation rates from 25% to 55%, while simultaneously reducing juvenile delinquency by 35%.
  • Advised teens on a range of personal issues such as self-esteem, relationships and career planning; held group sessions that fostered collaboration between peers and improved social skills among participants by 20%.
  • Optimized curriculum delivery through creative teaching methods like simulations, role plays and case studies; encouraged students’ creativity which resulted in a 40% increase in overall engagement with learning materials.

3. Skills

Two organizations that have advertised for a position with the same title may be searching for individuals whose skills are quite different. For instance, one may be looking for someone with experience in grant writing and another for a person who has expertise in working with at-risk youth.

It is important to tailor the skills section of your resume to each job that you are applying for, as many employers use applicant tracking systems these days which scan resumes for certain keywords before passing them on to a human.

In addition to listing relevant qualifications here, you should also discuss some of the more pertinent ones elsewhere on your resume, such as within the summary or work experience sections.

Below is a list of common skills & terms:

  • Case Management
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Data Entry
  • Editing
  • Fundraising
  • Grant Writing
  • Higher Education
  • Leadership Development
  • Mental Health
  • Nonprofits
  • Program Development
  • Social Networking
  • Social Services
  • Teaching
  • Team Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Time Management
  • Volunteer Management
  • Youth Development
  • Youth Mentoring

4. Education

Mentioning your education on your resume will depend on how far along you are in your career. If you just graduated and have no work experience to showcase, list your education below the resume objective. However, if you have plenty of relevant experiences that demonstrate your qualifications for the youth development specialist role, omitting an education section is perfectly acceptable.

If including an education section, be sure to highlight any courses or subjects related to youth development and social services that may be applicable to the job at hand.

Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services
Educational Institution XYZ
Nov 2011

5. Certifications

Certifications are a great way to demonstrate your proficiency and knowledge in a certain field. They are especially important when applying for jobs that require specific certifications or qualifications, as they can show potential employers that you have the necessary skillset required for the job.

When including certifications on your resume, make sure to include any relevant details such as where it was obtained from and when it expires (if applicable). This will help hiring managers get an accurate picture of your credentials.

Youth Development Professional Certification
National AfterSchool Association
May 2017

6. Contact Info

Your name should be the first thing a reader sees when viewing your resume, so ensure its positioning is prominent. Your phone number should be written in the most commonly used format in your country/city/state, and your email address should be professional.

You can also choose to include a link to your LinkedIn profile, personal website, or other online platforms relevant to your industry.

Finally, name your resume file appropriately to help hiring managers; for Guillermo Gusikowski, this would be Guillermo-Gusikowski-resume.pdf or Guillermo-Gusikowski-resume.docx.

7. Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter is an important step in the job application process. It’s a chance to show recruiters and hiring managers why you are a great fit for the position they are looking to fill.

Cover letters typically consist of 2-4 paragraphs, though some employers may request more information than that. They should include details about your experience, skillset and personality which aren’t already listed on your resume.

Including a cover letter with your application is not always essential but it can be beneficial as it allows you to further demonstrate how well suited you are for the role at hand.

Below is an example cover letter:

Dear Edyth,

I am excited to apply for the Youth Development Specialist position at [organization name]. As a youth development professional with more than 10 years of experience working with young people in both formal and informal settings, I am confident that I can make a positive impact on the lives of the participants in your program.

In my previous role as a Program Coordinator at [company name], I oversaw all aspects of program planning and implementation for a large after-school program serving more than 200 students. My experience developing and managing programs that focus on academic success, college and career readiness, and social-emotional learning has prepared me to excel in this role.

I am passionate about helping young people reach their full potential, and I have the skillset necessary to develop relationships with participants, families, school staff, and community partners. I am also an experienced facilitator who is comfortable leading group activities and facilitating discussions on sensitive topics. In addition, my data analysis skills will be valuable in evaluating program outcomes and informing future programming decisions.

I believe that every young person deserves access to high-quality youth development programs that can help them thrive academically, socially, emotionally, and professionally. I would be honored to join your team in providing these opportunities to the youth served by your organization. Thank you for your time; I look forward to speaking with you soon about this exciting opportunity!



Youth Development Specialist Resume Templates
