Ruby on Rails Developer Resume Guide

Ruby on Rails developers create and maintain web applications using the Ruby on Rails framework. They write code, test it for errors, debug any issues that arise, and ensure the application is functioning properly. Additionally, they may also be responsible for designing databases or integrating existing systems with new technologies.

You have a knack for creating web applications with the Ruby on Rails framework. But employers won’t know that unless you make yourself known to them by writing an impressive resume. Showcase your skills and experience in this document, and you’ll be one step closer to landing the job of your dreams!

This guide will walk you through the entire process of creating a top-notch resume. We first show you a complete example and then break down what each resume section should look like.

Ruby on Rails Developer Resume

Table of Contents

The guide is divided into sections for your convenience. You can read it from beginning to end or use the table of contents below to jump to a specific part.

Ruby on Rails Developer Resume Sample

Anissa Reichert
Ruby on Rails Developer

[email protected]


Energetic and experienced Ruby on Rails developer with 5+ years of experience in full-stack development. Proven success developing and maintaining complex web applications that meet customer requirements. Extensive knowledge of cloud technologies, version control systems (Git), databases (MySQL & PostgreSQL) and test automation tools. Looking to join a team where I can apply my expertise in building secure and reliable web solutions while continuing to grow professionally.


Ruby on Rails Developer, Employer A
Paradise, Jan 2018 – Present

  • Meticulously developed and implemented 10+ web applications using Ruby on Rails, HTML5/CSS3 and JavaScript that increased user engagement by 25%.
  • Spearheaded the migration of 4 legacy systems to a new Ruby on Rails framework, reducing development time by 40% while maintaining existing functionality.
  • Analyzed customer requirements to develop robust software solutions with intuitive UI/UX designs; collaborated closely with UX teams to ensure maximum usability for end users.
  • Configured backend databases such as MySQL & PostgreSQL along with third-party APIs like Google Maps and Twilio SMS services for seamless integration into the application architecture.
  • Optimized application performance through caching techniques such as Memcached resulting in an average speed improvement of 45%.

Ruby on Rails Developer, Employer B
Scottsdale, Mar 2012 – Dec 2017

  • Utilized Ruby on Rails framework to develop over 20 web applications, achieving a high level of user satisfaction with the results.
  • Actively collaborated with other developers and designers in creating innovative features for existing projects; increased customer engagement by 40%.
  • Deployed multiple web applications using Git version control system within a strict timeline and budget; achieved cost savings of $5,000 per project.
  • Developed efficient algorithms to optimize application performance, reducing loading time from 10 seconds to 5 seconds per page load on average across all websites under development supervision.
  • Introduced new technologies such as AJAX & jQuery into various Ruby on Rails projects for improved functionality and interface design; improved usability ratings by 25% according to online surveys conducted post-launch.


  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • Git
  • Object-oriented Programming
  • RESTful APIs
  • Agile Development


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Educational Institution XYZ
Nov 2011


Ruby on Rails Developer Certification
May 2017

1. Summary / Objective

Your resume summary should be a concise, yet compelling overview of your experience and skills as a Ruby on Rails developer. Include information about the projects you’ve worked on, such as how many lines of code you wrote or any unique challenges that were solved. You can also mention the technologies and frameworks you are most proficient in (e.g., ReactJS), any certifications or awards received, and what makes you stand out from other developers.

Below are some resume summary examples:

Hard-working and experienced Ruby on Rails developer with 5+ years of experience. Skilled in developing, testing and deploying web applications using the latest version of the framework. Seeking to join ABC Tech as a senior engineer to create innovative solutions for their clients while expanding my knowledge base. My most recent achievement was creating an e-commerce platform that improved customer satisfaction by 20%.

Accomplished Ruby on Rails developer with 8+ years of experience. Proven track record for developing high-performing, secure web applications that met deadlines and customer requirements. Expertise in full-stack development including front end (HTML/CSS), back end (Ruby on Rails) and databases (MySQL). Looking to join ABC Tech to create innovative software solutions using the latest technologies.

Well-rounded Ruby on Rails developer with 8+ years of experience. Skilled at developing user-friendly web applications and creating custom solutions for businesses to improve their operations. At XYZ, spearheaded the development of a new e-commerce platform that increased revenue by 23%. Passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest technologies in order to deliver cutting edge solutions.

Reliable and experienced Ruby on Rails developer with 5+ years of experience developing and maintaining web applications. Proven track record in providing solutions to complex problems using a variety of technologies, including JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, ReactJS and Angular 2+. Seeking an opportunity at ABC Tech to use my skillset in creating efficient software solutions for customers worldwide.

Dependable and knowledgeable Ruby on Rails developer with 5+ years of experience developing web applications for a variety of business needs. Skilled in creating user-friendly, bug-free software solutions using the latest industry standards and best practices. Seeking to join ABC Tech as their next Ruby on Rails specialist to help improve customer satisfaction and product performance.

Skilled Ruby on Rails developer with 4+ years of experience developing web applications and websites. Experienced in the full software development life-cycle, from design to implementation. Enthusiasm for creating high quality code that meets customer needs quickly and efficiently. Proven ability to work independently or as part of a team to produce successful results.

Talented Ruby on Rails developer with 5+ years of experience developing and maintaining web applications. Looking to join ABC’s team to create robust, secure Ruby-based solutions for the company’s unique clients. In previous roles, achieved an average response time improvement of 45% while managing two high-end projects simultaneously within tight deadlines.

Seasoned Ruby on Rails developer with 5+ years of experience developing and maintaining web applications. Adept at building high-performance, feature-rich apps using the Ruby on Rails framework as well as other programming languages like JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Proven track record of successful projects in both start up and corporate environments.

2. Experience / Employment

In the experience section, you should provide details on your employment history. This section should be written in reverse chronological order with the most recent job listed first.

When writing about what you did, stick to bullet points; this will make it easier for the reader to digest what you have to say quickly. You want to take some time and think of in-depth details that explain exactly what tasks were completed and the results achieved from them.

For example, instead of saying “Developed a web application,” you could say, “Built an online marketplace using Ruby on Rails which resulted in a 30% increase in sales.”

To write effective bullet points, begin with a strong verb or adverb. Industry specific verbs to use are:

  • Built
  • Implemented
  • Configured
  • Optimized
  • Refactored
  • Debugged
  • Tested
  • Developed
  • Designed
  • Monitored
  • Troubleshot
  • Automated
  • Deployed
  • Integrated
  • Analyzed

Other general verbs you can use are:

  • Achieved
  • Advised
  • Assessed
  • Compiled
  • Coordinated
  • Demonstrated
  • Expedited
  • Facilitated
  • Formulated
  • Improved
  • Introduced
  • Mentored
  • Participated
  • Prepared
  • Presented
  • Reduced
  • Reorganized
  • Represented
  • Revised
  • Spearheaded
  • Streamlined
  • Structured
  • Utilized

Below are some example bullet points:

  • Reduced server response time by 50% through optimization of Ruby on Rails code and use of AJAX requests.
  • Expedited development process, completing coding projects up to 3 weeks ahead of schedule; achieved high customer satisfaction ratings for all completed work.
  • Compiled and implemented test suites using RSpec, Capybara and other testing tools to ensure the highest quality product before launch date.
  • Reliably maintained applications after deployment with bug fixes and ongoing refactoring; improved application performance by 25%.
  • Integrated third party APIs into existing web applications allowing customers access to real-time data from external sources such as Google Maps or Twitter streams in a secure manner at all times.
  • Formulated over 10 web applications utilizing Ruby on Rails and JavaScript, leading to a 40% reduction in production time.
  • Prepared full stack development plans for clients using HTML5, CSS3, AJAX frameworks and other technologies; successfully completed projects within tight deadlines while maintaining high quality standards.
  • Competently built efficient database systems with SQL & NoSQL databases including PostgreSQL, MongoDB and MySQL; optimized the performance of back-end operations by 30%.
  • Mentored junior developers in best practices related to backend programming principles such as MVC architecture and object-oriented design principles; developed an interactive training program which increased knowledge retention among team members by 45%.
  • Represented the organization at industry conferences through presentations about trending topics in web application development such as artificial intelligence integration into existing solutions resulting in positive feedback from peers and external audiences alike.
  • Coordinated with a team of 6 developers to develop and deploy 15+ web applications using Ruby on Rails, resulting in a 45% decrease in development time.
  • Automated several processes with custom scripts written in Ruby, reducing manual labor by 80%.
  • Substantially improved the performance of existing web apps by optimizing code structure and refactoring database queries; increased speed by 200%.
  • Tested over 30 new features implemented during sprints for quality assurance purposes, ensuring that all bugs were fixed before deployment within 2 hours each day.
  • Debugged more than 50 application errors identified during user-acceptance tests; resolved 95% of issues without disrupting daily operations or affecting customer experience negatively.
  • Advised the development team on best practices for developing high-performance Ruby on Rails applications, resulting in a 15% increase in productivity.
  • Revised existing codebase to integrate new features and reduce technical debt by 25%.
  • Diligently developed RESTful web services using the latest version of Ruby on Rails, ensuring that all changes adhered to established coding standards and guidelines.
  • Designed user interface components with HTML/CSS/JavaScript frameworks such as Bootstrap; improved usability of web apps by 45%.
  • Streamlined database integration processes utilizing Active Record ORM library; reduced response times from server queries by an average of 2 seconds per request.
  • Presented a fully-functional Ruby on Rails web application to stakeholders, resulting in a 70% increase in user engagement and revenue.
  • Reorganized codebase for the existing ecommerce platform using Ruby on Rails, reducing system downtime by 25%.
  • Resourcefully identified and fixed hundreds of bugs within all major versions of the website’s backend over an 8 month period; increased overall reliability by 40%.
  • Monitored online performance metrics such as page load times and server response rate daily; optimized database queries which sped up loading time from 10 seconds down to 5 seconds per request with minimal effort required.
  • Structured databases according to client specifications while adhering strictly to industry best practices; designed APIs that integrated seamlessly into mobile applications developed with React Native & Flutter, boosting user experience ratings by 18%.
  • Proficiently developed and maintained 15+ web applications using Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript; increased user engagement by 25%.
  • Troubleshot coding issues quickly to ensure that all projects were delivered within the agreed timeline; reduced bug resolution time by 40% with every release.
  • Demonstrated expertise in database design & development leveraging PostgreSQL, MySQL & MongoDB for efficient data storage and retrieval; saved 120 hours of manual labor over a 6-month period through automated processes.
  • Achieved optimizations of existing codebase resulting in 50% improvement in overall application performance across all platforms (iOS/Android).
  • Assessed customer requirements accurately before beginning any project to guarantee successful delivery according to client specifications and expectations without compromising quality standards or timelines at any point during the process.
  • Participated in the design and development of 4 Ruby on Rails applications, contributing to over 800 lines of code across multiple projects.
  • Implemented Agile methodology for a web-based application project; successfully improved its performance by 30% in 3 months.
  • Improved user experience through coding validations and reworked existing functions that integrated with external APIs, resulting in an increase of customer satisfaction ratings by 25%.
  • Confidently debugged issues related to object-oriented programming language and fixed reported bugs within 24 hours or less whenever necessary.
  • Facilitated cross-functional team collaboration between designers, developers and QA engineers while developing high quality Ruby on Rails web apps according to specified requirements & deadlines.

3. Skills

Skill requirements will differ from employer to employer – this can easily be determined via the job advert. Organization ABC may be looking for a RoR developer with experience in React, while Organization XYZ may require knowledge of Vue.js.

This is why it’s important to tailor the skills section of your resume to each job you are applying for. This will ensure that any applicant tracking systems used by employers can easily pick up on your relevant qualifications and experiences; otherwise, they might filter out your application before a human even has a chance to review it.

You should also discuss these key skills further in other sections such as the summary or work history – this way, you can provide more detail about how exactly you have put them into practice throughout your career thus far.

Below is a list of common skills & terms:

  • Agile Development
  • Git
  • JavaScript
  • Object-oriented Programming
  • RESTful APIs
  • Rails
  • Ruby
  • SQL
  • Test-driven Development

4. Education

Mentioning an education section on your resume will depend on how far along you are in your career. If you have just graduated and don’t have any prior work experience, include your education below the objective statement. However, if you already have plenty of relevant experience to showcase, it is perfectly acceptable to not mention an education section at all.

If including an education section, try to highlight courses and subjects related specifically to Ruby On Rails development that demonstrate knowledge about the role for which you are applying.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Educational Institution XYZ
Nov 2011

5. Certifications

Certifications are a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and proficiency in a certain field. They can give you an edge over other applicants, as they show that you have taken the initiative to stay up-to-date with industry standards.

If the job advert requires certifications or qualifications specific to the role, make sure these are included in this section of your resume. This will help hiring managers quickly identify if you meet their criteria for the position.

Ruby on Rails Developer Certification
May 2017

6. Contact Info

Your name should be the first thing a reader sees when viewing your resume, so ensure its positioning is prominent. Your phone number should be written in the most commonly used format in your country/city/state, and your email address should be professional.

You can also choose to include a link to your LinkedIn profile, personal website, or other online platforms relevant to your industry.

Finally, name your resume file appropriately to help hiring managers; for Anissa Reichert, this would be Anissa-Reichert-resume.pdf or Anissa-Reichert-resume.docx.

7. Cover Letter

Including a cover letter with your job application is a great way to make a positive impression. It’s an opportunity for you to explain why the role interests you and how your skills, experiences and knowledge make you the ideal candidate for it.

A cover letter should be 2-4 paragraphs long and separate from your resume. Here, you can elaborate on key points that are mentioned in your CV or provide additional information about yourself that isn’t already included in other documents.

Below is an example cover letter:

Dear Laverna,

I am writing to apply for the position of Ruby on Rails Developer at your company. As a web developer with 4+ years of experience in Ruby on Rails, I have the skills and knowledge necessary to be a valuable asset to your team.

In my previous role as a web developer at XYZ Company, I was responsible for developing and maintaining multiple websites using Ruby on Rails. I also created custom applications and features according to client specifications. In addition, I provided support and troubleshooting for existing applications. Through my work, I was able to increase website traffic by 20% due to my innovative development techniques.

I am confident that I can bring the same level of success to your company as a Ruby on Rails Developer. With my strong background in web development, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills, I am certain that I would be an asset to your team. If given the opportunity, I will do everything in my power to exceed your expectations and contribute to the success of your organization.

Thank you for taking the time consider me for this position! Please do not hesitate contact me if you have any questions or if you would like discuss my qualifications further. .



Ruby on Rails Developer Resume Templates
